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24/7 secure online access to your tenancy

Please enter the first 8 digits of your rent account number:

Your PIN:

Not used SeeMyData before? Register Here

I forgot my details

An easier way of managing your council tenancy

Using SeeMyData you can:

Check your rent payments
View your rent statements
Report a repair
Update your personal information
Apply for services

Within SeeMyData you can also make rent payments using Welwyn Hatfield Borough council’s online payments system and will be shown links to other helpful areas of our website.

How to use SeeMyData

To log in you will need your rent account number, PIN number and your passphrase.

Your PIN and passphrase will be automatically issued to you when you register. You can change your PIN and passphrase when you are logged in.

Please ensure that you keep your login details safe and secure.